Ingrown toenail remedies are what you need to eliminate the problem of toe nails growing inwards or cutting into nail bed. Also known as Onychrocryptosis, ingrown toenail is a rather common nail disease where the nails get buried causing excess pain and inflammation. The toe nails look shrunken preventing it from growing straight.
If left untreated, toe nails require surgical treatment. Signs of infection include swelling at the base of the nail, redness and sense of pain while pressing. Improper cutting and bad nail care are the most familiar cause for the growth and impact of toe nails.
Ingrown Toenail Remedies
The actual cause for ingrown toe nails is believed to be the toe nails itself instead it is actually caused by the excess skin that surrounds the nail. This thickened skin tightens the growth of toe nails making it to dig inside rather than growing outwards. Improper cutting of nails lead to inappropriate growth of nails.
The soft tissues of the nail at its development stage curl easily due to ill fitting of shoes. Nails affected by an injury may be damaged repeatedly and could develop into this toe nail problem. Diseases like arthritis cause curling of toe nails. Ingrown toe nail is different from other nail diseases and it must not be confused with severe other nail diseases. It is not a serious problem when compared to other threats to nails like nail fold, paronychia, onychophosis, etc.
At initial stage, nails can be subjected to home remedy to stop the impact of the disease. Ingrown toenail remedies include cleaning and caring. Soak your nails in warm water many times a day to keep it clean. Try to uplift the nail and fill the gap with a small piece of cotton. It is quite hard to do this process but helps greatly to position the nail so that it grows normally.
Medical treatments insist you to do warm soaks, to wear proper fitting shoes and frequent cutting of nails. Only in rare cases, surgical treatment is proposed. Doctors examine in depth about the tissue growth so that he could remove it to heal faster which you cannot do by yourselves at home. Band Aid method is used to drain the pus caused by infection. Approximately soaking for twenty minutes and cleaning nails can prevent infection at the fullest.
Prevention of Ingrown Toenail
For ladies, high heeled foot wear carries high risk of getting ingrown toe nails for the reason that these heeled slippers are designed with narrow edges at the front to give it a stylish look. This narrow edged slipper tightens the nails and pressures it to grow uncomfortably. Read also about home remedies for cracked heels.
When working or playing, use little loose slippers to ensure that the nails breathe easy enough. Tightened socks and tight fitting shoes together result in definite damage of nails. Avoid walking bare foot wherever you go and stop the habits of biting your nails too. Apply antiseptic lotion after bath since these nails are easily infected by bacteria and fungus. Read also home remedy for nail fungus here.
Diabetic patients should seek medical advice at its initial stage to treat faster and cure faster. Unlike others, they do not have enough immune strength to sustain the infection and bleeding. A podriast who is a professional trained in treating nails can trim and remove the infected nail and treat the infection well. So keeping watch of these issues is important and if you think you are affected, start with ingrown toenail remedies.
Also read how to treat heel fissure.
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