A corn is painful buildup on the skin on the bottom or side of the foot due to excessive pressure on specific area of the foot caused by shoes that does not fit properly or if your feet is misshapen.
Once a corn begins to develop you will have quite a bit of difficulty walking as pressure is placed on the corn it will be painful to walk. There are pads that you can use to cushion your feet while you walk they are not always effective and the corn will still be three. The best thing you can do is to find corn removal home remedies.
There are some home remedies for corn removal that you can try which will include lifestyle changes to help get rid of the painful and uncomfortable corns. These will include some of the following:
Corn Removal Home Remedies
1. Soaking your foot in warm water then using pumice stone to rub the corn after bathing. If you have diabetes then you should not do this as it can lead to infection.
2. Wear clean socks and shoes that fit properly. This must be something you do for the rest of your life changing the type of shoe you wear making sure you buy only shoes that fits properly and comfortably and will not rub against your feet when you walk.
3. Using castor oil you should rub 1 teaspoon of castor oil on the corn two to three times daily this will eventually cause the corn to fall off.
4. Another great home remedy is to soak your feet in warm water then take a piece of pineapple peel and place over the corn using duct tape to tape it on. In the morning remove the peel. Repeating this process for several nights will help the corn to fall off.
5. Chamomile is great for many natural remedies. Boil chamomile in hot water for half hour. Soak a piece of cotton ball into the tea then use the cotton ball soaked with the tea and dab tea on the corn. Use a bandage to cover the corn which should be wet from the tea. Remove the bandage the next day. Repeat this process for several days. The corn will eventually fall off.
These corn removal home remedies will help get rid of corn and allow you to walk with confidence once again. Read also about wart removal home remedies here.
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