Excessive armpit sweat is one of the many conditions or problems where people would normally not talk much nor mention about. People just keep their problems to themselves as many sees them as right plain embarrassing.
Not only that, it is also a major turn off because it stinks! But how do you actually stop excessive armpit sweat in the first place? There must be a practical solution right?
To get rid of excessive armpit sweat, one has to first understand the root causes. Excessive armpit sweating is in fact, a very common problem.
How And Why Do We Sweat?
Sweating is a very important process as it is the way our body regulate temperatures as well as to maintain the moisture within the skin. Two sweat glands, the apocrine and eccrine are involved in creating sweat. However, if one has been sweating excessively, the most probable cause is not these sweat glands, but the nerve cells that triggers these sweat glands to overwork.
So, How Do We Get Rid Of Excessive Sweating Under Armpits
First off, before you begin learning about stopping these excessive sweat, you might also want to consider whether it is due to your genes or not. Some people sweat a lot and it is in their genes, so there is nothing much you can do about it if that’s the case.
Although antiperspirant and deodorants sometimes do help for a while, they do not directly stop the problem.
Antiperspirant contains a chemical known as aluminium chloride that can reduce your the excessive sweating. So the more aluminium chloride the antiperspirant has, the less sweat is likely to be excreted. Deodorant on the other hand, works in another way. Deodorant contains chemicals which eliminate the unpleasant odors.
It does not stop you from sweating excessively but it counters the unpleasant odor simply by neutralizing it.
Controlling Excessive Armpit Sweat Through Your Diet
As there is no way you can cure excessive armpit sweating by altering your genes, you can at least control the sweating by controlling your diet. Although this is not an exact cure, controlling your diet such as by reducing your intake of odor inducing foods like garlic, onions, mutton, beef as well as other red meats can help to reduce the odor.
Besides, you should also consider shaving your armpits as bacteria growth around that region could further exaggerate the problem.
Alternative Treatments For Excessive Armpit Sweat
Although there are also other less known alternatives available to reduce armpit sweating such as surgery, botox and iontophoresis treatment, these solutions though effective, can be rather costly.
Surgery is a permanent solution that is able to halt excessive armpit sweat problem indefinitely. It works by removing some of the sweat glands in the affected area permanently thereby resulting in less sweat. If surgery isn’t for you, there are still other options available such as botox.
Botox or botolinum toxin in full, is an injection aimed to reduce or halt the process of sweating. The injection of botox into the affected area prevents the nerves around that area from controlling the sweat glands. This injection alternative however, does not permanently get rid of excessive armpit sweat. The sufferers are required to undergo further injections once the effect wear off. Usually each injection lasts for about 2 years.
Finally, Iontophoresis on the other hand is a less known surgery-free treatment that is believed to be able to permanently solve the problem of excessive armpit sweating. Iontophoresis is a treatment process where electrical stimulus is used.
It involves soaking the affected area into tap water with mild electrical current. The aim of this treatment is to stop excessive armpit sweat completely by blocking the sweat glands from overworking. Although the effectiveness of this ionotophoresis treatment is less known, the entire treatment course is expected to take a period of several months to complete.
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