One of the many natural ways to help you cope with the agonizing symptoms of shingles is through the use of apple cider vinegar. Shingles are caused by a recurrence of the chicken pox virus commonly referred to as varicella zoster virus (VZV). More than half of those people who are affected by shingles are usually those who are above 60 years old. The older one gets, the … [Read more...]
Shingles Home Remedies That Work
Shingles is one of the most painful skin infections out there and has caused not just discomfort but embarrassment to many people as well. The infection is caused by a virus known as varicella-zoster, which is the same virus that is also responsible for causing the serious skin infection commonly known as chicken pox. People who have suffered chicken pox in the past are at … [Read more...]
Shingles Contagious? For Real?
Are shingles contagious? This is a question that many people all over the world often ask. So what are shingles? Shingles form as a result of a viral infection known as Herpes Zoster that takes place in people who have had chickenpox in the past. This chicken pox can arise due to the following reasons: If you are suffering from an immune system disorder such as HIV/AIDS, … [Read more...]
Shingles Home Remedies
Shingles home remedies have been used as a way to help relief the symptoms and pains caused by shingles. Shingles is a rather common skin rash condition that has been affecting many people each year. It is caused by the varicella zoster virus (VZV) which can also cause chicken pox. As a matter of fact, shingles affects people who have had chickenpox before but return with a … [Read more...]
Varicella Shingles Prevention
Searching for varicella shingles prevention tips? Although there is no 100 percent prevention as to date, you could however lower your chance of having the disease with some vaccinations. No doubt varicella shingles is an agonizing skin rash condition. It is caused by a kind of herpes virus called Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV). It is the same kind of virus that is responsible … [Read more...]