As the name suggest, silent acid reflux is a reflux condition that does not cause heartburn at all. Since heartburn is the most common occuring symptoms for acid reflux, without the symptom, the sufferer may more know that the acid reflux is affecting them. Studies have found that silent acid reflux is a major cause of awakening during the middle of the night while … [Read more...]
Burning Sensation In Throat
Burning sensation in throat is often mistaken as simply yet another form of sore throat. What most people fail to see is that the condition, just like sore throat is identical in the sensation of pain which feels like having a cut in your throat. This is why some people treat the said sensation with whatever they use to cure the typical sore throat like taking lozenges or … [Read more...]
Get Instant Relief With These Acid Indigestion Treatments
Having acid indigestion problem and searching for a treatment? Well, acid indigestion or more commonly heartburn, is a very typical condition that has been affecting millions of people every day. In fact, there are more than 70 million Americans affected by acid indigestion problem and that figure continues to rise each year. Given the staggering number of people affected by … [Read more...]
Potential Cures For Heartburn With Chewing Gums
Looking for a cure for your heartburn? No doubt heartburn is a problem caused by acid re-flux from the stomach back into the esophagus. As there are sensitive cells along the lining of your esophagus, you may feel the discomfort and burning sensation whenever heartburn occurs. It is even worse if the reflux happens everyday. Over time, the constant burning feeling of your … [Read more...]
Get Rid Of Heartburn Instantly With These 3 Easy Tips
Heartburn is often in the top list of things people wanting to get rid of in their day to day life. Heartburn aka the acid re-flux is usually caused by a weak esophageal sphincter. Simply put, esophageal sphincter is a band of muscle that lies at the bottom of the esophagus right above your stomach. Its main function is to allow foods that you swallow or liquid that you … [Read more...]