In order to learn how to pass kidney stones, you need to understand more about the treatment and techniques used in treating kidney stones. Have you figured out what are the advantages of following a kidney stone natural treatment over other traditional or surgical treatment options? And do you know why many people opt for natural kidney stones treatment instead of others?
First, let’s learn about what kidney stones are. Kidney stones are created during the crystallization of materials that are found in the urine. Normally, the average size of kidney stones are no more than 5mm in diameter, and roughly 80 percent of these kidney stones are created from calcium oxalate. Sometimes, some razor-sharp stones do exist and they are usually made up of materials such as struvite, cystine, uric acid, silicate and xanthine.
If you suspect that you have kidney stones, you need to understand the symptoms better, as they can lead to more serious health issues if you do not learn quickly enough to get rid of the kidney stones. Common symptoms of kidney stones include acute pain while urinating, sharp pain in the abdomen, seeing blood in the urine, a change of urine color and frequently occurring fevers.
These symptoms are somewhat similar to that of a kidney infection. More serious health issues and complications may occur if left untreated. You can read here about the dangers of untreated kidney infection.
As such, by knowing how you can pass kidney stones is an important step in achieving totally painless cure from those harmful kidney stones.
How To Pass Kidney Stones Fast
Natural treatment for kidney stone is fairly easily and can be implemented quickly. All you need to do is to get 2 needed ingredients : olive oil and lemon juice. Various grocery stores have stocks for these ingredients that are needed for the natural treatment. They are cheap and easily obtainable, does not harm the body and has no side effects.
They are not only effective, but also work fast. All they do is to smoothen the rough stones so that they can be easily passed out. Kidney stones natural treatment is usually successful in getting rid of the stones about 80% of the time. Thus, by learning the process of passing kidney stone naturally, you will not need to go through surgery and drugs.
Here’s how you prepare the natural remedy, mix 2 ounce of olive oil together with 2 oz of lemon juice. drink it and then followed by a glass of plain water. This is particularly effective upon detecting the first sign of kidney stone. Normally after 24 hours, the kidney stones will be flushed out of the body.