If you have read Epiduo reviews, you will definitely know how great this product is for acne breakout. Here's my personal review on Epiduo. So there I was, sitting in my classroom on the first day of my senior year. Many friends I had grown up with through school were sitting near me and I felt ashamed. Why? I felt ashamed because of the horrible breakout on my face. It was … [Read more...]
Dry Skin On Feet
How do you heal dry skin on feet? Well, the answer is plain simple. All you need to do is to follow these effective remedies in rejuvenating the dry skin of your foot. Dry skin like many other skin conditions is a rather common problem that many adults face today, especially during the cold months. Many people are suffering from dry cracked feet which can be quite … [Read more...]
Missha BB Cream Review – The Perfect Cover For Your Skin
Missha BB cream is one of the most sought after natural skin care product by all women around the world particularly in the Asian region. Created by Missha, a well known korean cosmetic company, the cream is made from only natural ingredients and therefore is suitable for all skin types and is especially great for those with acne, scars and uneven skin tone. Missha BB cream … [Read more...]
Missha Cosmetics Review
Looking for a Missha cosmetics review before you make a purchase? Missha cosmetics are some of the more famous cosmetic and skin care products around the world. Originated in Korea, Missha skin care products like most other korean cosmetics are made from 100% natural ingredients. Being an organic skin care product does carry its own benefits; it is suitable for all skin types … [Read more...]
Laser Skin Treatment
Laser skin treatment is one of the latest technologies in beauty treatment. No doubt laser skin treatment is a great advancement in dermatology and offers a possibility of having a beautiful skin without the necessary risks. Today, this technology has allowed us to get rid of numerous skin problems such as scars, blemishes, pigmentations, wrinkles, lines and other facial … [Read more...]