Looking for pericoronitis home remedies? Here’s what you can do to get rid of the problem and its implications. Pericoronitis remedies are effective against mild pericoronitis but they might not be your solution if the condition is severe. But first, let’s understand what is pericoronitis, what it does and what actually causes it.
Pericoronitis is a condition that happen when infections occur in the gum tissues. This is especially common in late teens and young adults when their wisdom teeth are beginning to erupt. Sometimes, there might just not be enough room for the wisdom teeth to come out in full leaving a partially grown tooth sticking out from the surrounding gum. This creates a flap of gum tissue with the tooth right next to it.
When you are eating, tiny bits and particles of food can easily gets trapped in the flap, slowly and gradually turning this part of your gum into a hive for bacteria. With the explosive growth of bacteria in this area, soon they start causing inflammation and it is this inflammation of the gum surrounding the wisdom tooth that is known as pericoronitis.
Pericoronitis Symptoms
But first, how do you know whether you are having pericoronitis? If you are having any of these symptoms, chances are high that you are affected by pericoronitis. Some of the most obvious symptoms include swelling of the gum on the area affected, redness, pain and even pus discharge around the affected area. In addition, these symptoms could sometimes be accompanied by bad taste and smell in the mouth.
Antibiotics For Pericoronitis
Pericoronitis antibiotics treatment is one of the most common form of medication usually prescribed by your dentist after he or she has thoroughly cleaned the infected area of your gum. While antibiotics prescription is effective, rinsing your mouth with salt water works too.
In fact, rinsing your mouth with warm salt water a couple of times each day helps kill the bacteria and reduces inflammation. It is a known effective home remedy for pericoronitis that you can try if you prefer not to take antibiotics. This a proven method that works.
Also, remember to brush your teeth at least 2 times a day and to floss them after every meal to get rid of bits and food debris, This will help prevent them from getting trapped in your gum flap. Maintaining proper oral hygiene is key to not just only healthy gum but also healthy teeth too.
When To Use Antibiotic
However, if you have tried the natural remedy but the situation does not get any better, it is time to go to your dentist for thorough check up. This is because the problem may cause the infection to spread to other parts of your mouth if left untreated. To date, the best pericoronitis treatment that is widely used is still an antibiotic prescription.
Although antibiotic can help you get rid of pericoronitis, the problem could reoccur sometimes later especially if you are dealing with wisdom tooth pericoronitis. Since the cause is not removed, bacteria could once again thrive in the gum flaps of your partially erupted wisdom tooth. To eliminate the problem for once, dentist might suggest that you remove the wisdom tooth where the gum is affected. Even if pericoronitis can be cured with antibiotics each time it reoccur, you should always make it a habit to visit your dentist every six months (twice a year). Your dentist can keep track of the progress of your wisdom teeth.
Read also about tooth pain relief and wisdom tooth home remedies.
I had a really bad case of pericoronitis, was unable to open my mouth more than half an inch, had pain in the ear, left temple, and left side of the throat was sore, even had a fever the first 3 days. But it all went away in a week, with gargling with salt water every hour. Another thing that works is heating up a few cloves on a skillet till they become a bit larger, making sure not to burn them. And then once they are not hot, put them on the pain site and slowly suck on them to get the juice flowing in the affected area of the throat. Do not swallow whole. do this every hour as well. Trust your instincts though. If it lasts more than a week, i wud see a doctor.
My dentist is suggesting surgical extraction for my pericoronitis,is it a goo idea???
That’s because you have partial tooth impaction.