Every one of us is provided with a set of permanent teeth. This is all we get as maturing adults; therefore it is in your very best interest to take care of them for each and every day of your life. If properly cared for, they would remain with you throughout your entire life span but if you don’t, then you might have to end up with wearing some uncomfortable dentures. Fortunately, with today’s advancement in new technologies you can have implants done easily although expensive.
Taking care of your teeth is pretty easy, straight forward and simple. All you need to do is stop neglecting your pearly whites. Here are some effective home remedies for cavities that you can use for healthy teeth.
Home Remedies for Cavities
Preventing cavities from getting to the outer layer of your tooth can be achieved by eating cheese regularly. But why cheese? You might be wondering what cheese has got to do with tooth decay. Here’s what you need to know.
Most of the hard block of cheese sold in your local supermarket has enzymes that can help fight off tooth decay. Eating a couple of slices of cheese regularly could help strengthen your teeth and gum. These cavity fighting enzymes in the long run, could save you thousands in dental bills as well as preventing toothaches.
Eating raw vegetables is very good in preventing tooth cavities as it promotes the production of saliva which acts as a natural mouth wash. Raw vegetables also contain enzymes that helps get rid of bacteria from sticking to your teeth.
Eating lots of dark leafy vegetables especially spinach and broccoli can help strengthen your teeth as they contain large amount of essential nutrients and minerals such as calcium which is essentially the basic building block for healthy teeth.
The good old toothpaste and dental floss are still some of the best home remedies for cavities. Brushing with a good toothbrush, coupled with using dental floss and toothpaste with fluoride are no doubt your best way to fight cavities. For better results, you can also try using enamel toothpaste to fight off cavities.
Also, stay away from hard candies, sugary products, as well as caramels and remember to always brush your teeth immediately after every meal. Sugary stuffs feed the bacteria that produces acid which could hasten tooth decay. Read remineralizing enamel on how to reverse the lost enamel due to acid attack. In addition to that, you should also floss your teeth. Flossing helps to remove any food that might be stuck between your teeth as well as your gum.
Visit your dentist at least twice a year is vital so as to ensure that your teeth are always healthy.
These home remedies for cavities should help you save your teeth and keep you smiling with confidence. Taking good care of your teeth is important because when they are gone, they cannot be replaced.
Andres says
I have the same prob, lots of decay. I needed 4 flinilgs a couple yrs ago, and trusted the dentist did a good job and removed the decayed parts. About a month later I went to a different dentist (for some aesthetic work), and on xray, it showed lots of decay under the flinilgs I just had done. That other dentist DID NOT remove the decay before she filled my teeth! I was so pissed off, and asked she refund me $1000 for the dental work and she did! And avoid root canal the rods contain mercury!