Want to find out about Brewer’s yeast benefits? Also do you know that yeast is enriched with various kinds of nutrients? Moreover, if its Brewer’s yeast then it is loaded with amino acid, minerals, trace minerals, proteins, and vitamins. If this yeast is included in our diet, it will no doubt boost our health. Essentially, Brewer’s yeast is used in manufacturing beer. It ferments the sugars to alcohol.
Since the benefits of brewer’s yeast are plenty as it is loaded with so many vital nutrient and minerals, let us look at some of the important health benefits that this natural ingredient has to offer.
Brewer’s Yeast Benefits
Unlike other yeast, Brewer’s yeast is loaded with an ample resource of chromium. Now chromium is an essential trace mineral, which means that it is needed by our body for daily function, and it is to be supplied externally since our body cannot make it on its own. Chromium is an antioxidant that fights against free radical damage in the body.
Not only chromium helps in maintaining the blood sugar level but also causes the body to use insulin more effectively. So chromium plays a huge role in our body and the richest source is Brewer’s yeast.
Not only chromium, Brewer’s yeast also contains selenium, which is another essential trace mineral and is used to produce antioxidant enzymes. These enzymes help to prevent cell damage, stimulate antibodies and protect the body from heavy metal damage.
Brewer’s yeast benefits do not just stop there. This yeast is packed with a wide range of essential Vitamins such as Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7 and B9. These vitamins performs very important function in our body such as breaking down fats, proteins, and carbohydrates into energy as well as supporting the nervous system and maintain digestive muscles.
The B vitamins promote healthy skins, hair, eyes, mouth, and liver. These B vitamins work in synergy. When one vitamin is deficient, it impairs the function of the rest of the B vitamins. Brewer’s yeast provides all this complexes.
But the list doesn’t end yet. Brewer’s yeast contains all amino acid that is equivalent to ten times as much protein as whole-wheat flour. Protein is essential for all cells of the body. Protein helps in building and repairing tissues, muscles, bones, skin, blood, and cartilage. It plays a crucial role in chemical production of the body, including enzymes and hormone production. Proteins are the building blocks of any living body. Brewer’s yeast offers an ample supply of these building blocks.
So after understanding these Brewer’s yeast benefits, you must be wondering how you would get this yeast. Well there are many options available. In fact, Brewer’s yeast can be obtained in powder, flakes, tablets as well as liquid form. Though there are other kind of yeast in the market but don’t confuse Brewer’s yeast with nutritional yeast, baker’s yeast, or other yeast products that have less chromium. This yeast generally tastes bitter and is best taken when mixed with spices and savory or sweet foods.
However, do note that yeast could also cause allergic or even infections in more severe cases but the general side effects would only include gas and bloating. Other than these, yeast consumption is usually harmless.
So Brewer’s yeast as you have read is one of the richest sources of essential chromium, the B complex vitamins, and proteins. Incorporating these Brewer’s yeast benefits into your diet can have a positive impact on your health in enormous ways. Read also about health benefits of probiotic yogurt here.
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