By testing the level of PSA prostate cancer can be detected or diagnosed on the patient. PSA or specifically Prostate Specific Antigen is the main signal that most medical doctors use to detect the present of prostate cancer. Like most cancers, prostate cancer is also due to cellular dysfunction, a process caused by the damaging effects of free radicals.
Free radicals are unstable substances that are harmful towards the body. It can cause significant damage and disturbance to the cells and the only real way to get rid of them is through neutralization process. Antioxidant especially lycopene, has been found to be particularly effective in neutralizing these free radicals and thereby reducing the risks of prostate cancer. You can read more about potential prostate cancer home remedies with lycopene (a substance found abundant in tomatoes) here.
PSA Prostate Cancer Screening
Being one of the more common disease affecting men especially those above 40 years old, the mainstream method to diagnose prostate cancer is to undergo a test to determine the level of PSA.
PSA is a protein based substance that is made by cells of the prostate gland. This includes both the normal cells as well as the cancerous cells. While the semen normally contains this PSA substance, a tiny amount is also present in the blood. A level of more than 4 nanograms per mililiter (ng/mL) of blood in the PSA readings for prostate cancer screening could indicate the present of prostate cancer. Generally, the higher the level of PSA in the diagnosis, the greater the chance of having prostate cancer.
Prostate cancer risk is highly co-related with PSA level. The higher the PSA level, the greater the risk and therefore, doctors usually recommend men to start PSA screening once they reach 40 years old, although some might recommend that the screening starts at 35.
Nevertheless, for most of the time when a patient is tested with a high PSA level, doctors would suggest a biopsy with the aim of identifying the underlying causes of the problem. Once the culprit is identified, several treatment options such as surgery, radiation therapy or even hormone therapy would be suggested to the patient as a procedure to kill those abnormal cells.
As most of these treatment options are somewhat confusing to a general patient, it is best to educate one’s self to better understand the risks and benefits of each of these treatment options and the disease and condition itself. If you have been diagnosed with high PSA, prostate cancer could be on the card and it has the potential to ruin your life. So do your own research wisely and educate yourself beforehand. Early detection can help save life. Also talk to your doctor for advice on the best possible options in your case.
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